Thursday 22 August 2013

The future for Saint Paul's

Modern Learning Environments
A Vision of the Future for Saint Paul's 

Saint Paul's is on a journey of change. Our students  live in the 21st century and will need to thrive in a digital environment that requires a unique set of skills. Our own teacher survey identified a lot of the attributes recommended by the meta analysis( in red) in the following graphic. The black text are the teachers responses. 
To foster these skills( some new and some old) we have moved toward the use of digital tools and the associated changes in teaching practice.   We are currently an optional BYOD school. Some teaching practice changes have been made to develop inquiring, independent and collaborative student learning.  I believe these can be further facilitated by physical changes in the classroom environment. There is a wealth of research about the effectiveness of changes that open up the classroom and allow children spaces for different ways to learn. Teachers also benefit hugely from a the collaborative approach needed in these spaces as well. The Ministry of Education insist on schools having a plan for making physical changes over the next ten years. ( see the 10 Year Plan) 

We are fortunate at Saint Paul's that the original architect had the development of 'Modern Learning Environments' in mind when he designed the building with a central 'break out' space ( or roost ). We have a keen advocate for M.L.E's in our Acting Deputy Principal. She is already running her classroom collaboratively during literacy time. She would like to start to continue with this by spilling out into the 'roost' through glass doors in Term 4. This would also give our junior students a consistent significant adult to bond with during their first two years at school.  This is also recommended practice for children of this age and brain development. I have asked one of our parents to come and give us a ball park figure for this work. 

With this all in mind I went with Sarah to have a look at Hampden Street School where they have created a modern learning environment in their senior block.  I would like to organise a visit during school time for our Board members to see for themselves. This is the right time for us because we are thinking about and planning for a performance/meeting space. It is important for us to use our limited funds wisely and with the best possible outcomes for teaching and learning.

Check out this link to give you a quick idea

Thursday 25 July 2013

The Power to Innovate: NZPF Conference 2013

The Power to Innovate: NZPF Conference 2013

The conference was a good mix of educational and personal inspiration. I have put aside the speakers who concentrated on the personal because the educational speakers have messages from which a wider audience will benefit.

The most powerful presentation was from James Nottingham about the notion of labeling and the negative impacts of even the positive labels. I was particularly struck with his argument that grouping on ability had negative impacts for both the top and bottom groups. Interestingly this argument is based on the work on effect size by John Hattie. I hadn't realized that children in the top group go backwards because of the idea that they are naturally talented.  When they find something difficult they think that it is not true and don't persevere.

This is a short video where he explains his argument. His thinking about the importance of the progress children make has important implications for our assessment and reporting.

Vivianne Robinson is a New Zealand educator who has been working in the area of leadership. Her overall message was to reinforce the idea that the Principal's key role is to develop a framework for school improvement which will engage the school in an action learning process.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Brain Ways Nathan Mikaere Wallis

In the 90's what we know about brain development grew by 300%.
The environment designs the architecture of the 70% of the brain, particularly while the brain is developing In the first three years. Once established it is VERY difficult to change!
The critical attribute for us in New Zealand is the development of the cortex which is home to higher thinking and empathy. A Prime Ministers report clearly identified SELF REGULATION as the key to solve our high delinquency rates as well
as obesity, suicide and prison rates.
A good nurturing relationship, physical activity, laughter and singing are the key attributes to grow the cortex and stimulate learning. Punishment, Inconsistency and love withdrawal are the enemies of behavior change.
Inappropriate behavior is a result of the background of the child. The best approach is calm the child, go down and use your face and calm voice, validate the emotion and exercise the cortex by stating clearly the behavior you expect.
Research is clear that children are best equipped for reading and writing from age 7 or 8 and the social dimension and love of story is the best way to go.
These new understandings have deep implications for our practice. It is amazing that educational change has worked against these new understandings. The question is how do we make change at Saint Paul's that will grow our children's brains.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Friends of Saint Paul's

Kia ora Team, I have attached the Friends of Saint Paul's( FoSP) meeting minutes from last evening. I want to let you know some of the background to one of the items. We had a good turnout from our core group, many of whom have done a fantastic 5 years service (and more) of really committed work. These guys are getting to the end of their time here at Saint Paul's and want to support the newer parents while they are still around. When the school was in a 'low' financially they raised a huge $25,000 and because of this and their continued efforts we are now in a stable position. However, we do need to continue to raise around $10,000 a year for the 'extra's' that aren't possible or appropriate from Government funding such as the planting we did at the recent working bee. A hall( arts space, gym, chapel, etc) is seen by the community in the yearly surveys as something needed and this will be our focus in the next five years. We need new blood. For a start our new chairperson is unable to continue because of work commitments.This role is the key to the groups success because they keep things moving along and work alongside helpers as an enthusiastic supporter and organiser. Some of the issues around the problem of attracting new members was discussed at the meeting: New parents are often both working and 'time poor'. They rightly prioritise time with each other and their families. Some of these parents might prefer to just pay a fee. Fundraising generally means your time and our money. New parents are unaware of the Friends group and perhaps don't appreciate the sense of belonging to the community that can come from this involvement. The Friends have a more important vital role in bringing the community together. There is a perception that the current group is a closed group. It is true they have a strong friendship because of their shared endeavour but they have been working hard to bring others on board and have even pulled away to allow room for new people. The meeting time may be difficult because of child care issues. This could be flexible and the first thing to consider for a new chairperson. The workload is seen as too demanding. We do have a very supportive community that always do and will continue to respond positively to being asked to help. The Friends wanted me to let you know the current situation to encourage involvement. The friends group is rewarding and vital for our school both socially and financially. If you have thoughts or ideas you want to share email me back, respond on the blog or facebook.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Board Report Presentation

This is a presentation made for a Board of Trustees Meeting that gives a good summary of the thrust of our achievement goals and achievement results in 2011. It is useful to see